If you think you would like to take up modelling and want more information, or you are a photographer and would like to photograph any of these models, there is a list of contacts below. All the studios mentioned below have a lot more models on their books than I have photographed, and will also supply models, and photographer if required, for commercial work. Contact them directly for details, including studio hire, but say you found the numbers here please.
- I can be contacted by email or by mobile phone on 07976 552546.
- Geo's, which used to be Sunbird studios and Sunbird Holidays are on 01633 223448
- The above can also be contacted by emailing Nigel Painter
- Chris at West Coast Studios, just north of Blackpool is on 07881 460595
- Vic at North West studios in Wigan is on 07850 497222, or by email
- Alan at LA studios in Leeds is on 0113 277 5023 or by email
- The models can only be contacted indirectly, through the appropriate studio or agency.
- All of my developing and printing is now done by Gwent Colour. Contact Garry on 01633 874613.
Copyright © Dave Stratford